Tweaks & Flex Patches

Name Description iOS Known Issues
MusicRotate Enable rotation in Music app on iOS 8.4. 8.4 UI glitches on some pages.
NoMusicRotate Disable rotation in Music app. 7.0 - 9.1 None
NoTrending Remove "trending searches" section in App Store and iTunes Store. 8.0 - 11.1.2 "Trending" text is not removed on iOS 11.
StatusFolder Enable status bar when inside folders. 9 - 17 None
StatusSwitcher Enable status bar in app switcher. 9 - 14 Doesn't show if app playing video is in background.
Flex Patches
Name Description
Disable Blur On Switcher Homescreen Preview Disables blur on homescreen preview (first icon in switcher).
Fullscreen For Dropbox Shows fullscreen on Dropbox app.
Fullscreen For eBay Shows fullscreen on eBay app.
Fullscreen For ECB Cricket Shows fullscreen on ECB Cricket app.
Fullscreen For Gumtree Shows fullscreen on Gumtree app.
Gumtree No Ads Disable adverts in Gumtree app.
No Spotlight Disable Spotlight on iOS 9.
No Switcher Banner Disable banner in app switcher on iOS 9..
OSN Play No Jailbreak Detection Bypass the jailbreak detection on OSN Play.
TestFlight No Junk Remove Apple ID button and terms of conditions.